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Insert (Your Passion Here)…….

June 11, 2012

This blog has had a writing tilt lately. Most of what I am writing about applies to everything I want to accomplish as a writer. But truly, you can insert your own passion here.

Today I am focused on being focused. It’s hard. To commit to anything. And make it a habit.

I have a friend who was in a position of tremendous influence and a lot of people were asking a lot of things of her. She is a kind, generous, and enthusiastic person. She doesn’t like saying no. She loves making a difference.

I asked her how she picked.

She said she simply established five priorities and if the requests didn’t fall into one of those categories, she had to say no.

Did I mention that she is also wise? There really is only so much you can do.

So this morning I am going to establish my priority list.

Family/Close Friends
Writing a Novel and this blog
Living Faithfully/Responding with love
Being Healthier
Not saying yes to things that don’t fit this list

This isn’t to say that I wouldn’t love to do some things that aren’t on this list. I would and I will do some things that aren’t on this list. But I have to focus. And limit those distractions that don’t lead me where I want to be. And I have to do it Right Now.

I have a tremendous opportunity to submit a synopsis to a literary agent this week. And I am psyching myself out of it. I have started it four times and never get out of paragraph one. So I need to limit my distractions, believe I can do it, and just simply get it done.

Wish me luck – pretty please!

8 Comments leave one →
  1. June 15, 2012 3:19 pm

    Best of luck – your priorities seem right on (write on?). :+)

  2. June 15, 2012 6:26 am

    Good luck! I’m going to make a list today also. And I’ll be stealing your ‘Not saying yes to things that don’t fit this list’. That’s quite wise, in itself. (: Thanks for sharing!

    • June 15, 2012 11:23 am

      Not saying yes in an important part of focusing – it really is – and sometimes it is very hard to do.

  3. Meg permalink
    June 13, 2012 8:02 pm

    Go girl! I know you can do it!!!

  4. forsarap permalink
    June 11, 2012 8:53 am

    Good luck. You got this!!!

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